Paper House


If we cannot raise manufacturing costs to ensure quality home goods and we cannot teach millions of people to suddenly take care of what they have, what if we instead filled our homes with paper?

Unlike in the past, when families would live together their whole lives or gift newlyweds with heritage furniture, many people now move away from home at an early age and continue to move homes throughout their lives.

picture of paper curtains and chandelier, made using translucent white paper and folded with origami v-folds
Curtains and chandelier

Constantly needing to replace furniture that wears out in a few years and buy new furniture for new homes is expensive. In the process of making furniture more affordable, we tear down forests to make disposable MDF and plywood furniture. If the goal is to make disposable furniture because it is cheap to make and because people expect to redecorate their homes with some regularity, why not double down on the disposability aspect?

Paper is cheap, disposable, compostable, and uses fewer resources. 

Locutus of Blue looking at paper floor lamps
Table lamps

The models in these photographs were made in 2020 from bond paper.


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